Sustainable Scottish Steelhead

Click the image to read our latest Sustainability Report,
published Jan 2025

We believe it’s so important to educate consumers and bring a greater understanding and visibility to the aquaculture industry so people can make informed choices about the food they eat, and the real journey farmers are going on towards a better carbon footprint.

With this in mind we have published our Sustainability Report online now since 2022. Read our latest on the year just gone.

Our Fish

We have become the first trout farm in the UK to join feed supplier Cargill’s SeaFurther™ sustainability programme, to help farmers achieve carbon neutral fish.

The programme follows a three-fold approach with the aim of at least 30% reduction in GHG emissions/kg of fish by 2030, in line with science-based targets.


Kames is part of Global G.A.P., the world’s leading farm assurance program for producers and retailers. The standard sets strict criteria for legal compliance, food safety, employees occupational health & safety, animal welfare, environmental & ecological care.

All stages & aspects of our production are covered by the RSPCA welfare standards.

Kames is a founding member of the British Trout Association, representing all areas of the trout industry in the UK.

Quality Trout UK ensures the highest standards in farmed trout production, including fish health & welfare & best farming practice.

The UN has recognised the role of fish farmers and the solution they can provide to the ocean’s recovery and feeding the increasing global population. We adhere to their 14th Sustainability Goal: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, and take the responsibility that entails extremely seriously.

Our in-house Kames Sustainability Committee drives us forward as a company to achieve our goals in this, and in all other areas of our sustainability.

An Outstanding Contribution

We were delighted to win Best Aquaculture Company at the 2022 UK Aquaculture Awards in Aviemore, a fantastic achievement up against much bigger players in the industry. The judges commented:

“[Kames] are always looking at product development and new ways they can work with manufacturers, particularly around net zero. They have also been looking at their working culture and what positive changes they can implement, which the judges commended.”

Stuart Cannon won the People’s Choice vote for his contribution to the industry at the Scottish Marine Aquaculture Awards in 2018.

These awards highlight the many good things happening in UK aquaculture and give due recognition to those making an exceptional contribution to the industry.

Local Area Agreements

We work in partnership with local environmental trusts, and join forces with other farms to support environmental concerns in our area. 
These include:

- Shuna Sound Environmental Management Plan (EMP) working with MOWI Scotland and Argyll District Fisheries Board, and Argyll Fisheries Trust

- Lower Lorne Farm Partnership Agreement

- Loch Pooltiel Environmental Management Plan (EMP) North West Skye, where Kames has funded wild fish monitoring program over the last three years, working with the Skye and Wester Ross Fisheries Trust.